Select one of the provided images (or source your own image) and use the masking techniques learned in class to remove original background of the image. Once the original background is removed find a new image and place it as the new background. You can find free stock images for the background at Unsplash, Pixabay, or another stock image site (just make sure your stock image does not have a watermark on it). Once you have completed masking your subject and replacing the background, export your image using the Export As… dialogue into an Exports folder.
File Set Up
Your Photoshop file should be named fName-lName-section#-select-and-mask.psd. The size of your artboard will be dependent on your original subject image. Your file should have a layer named “Subject” containing your foreground image that is masked and a layer named “Background” featuring your new background image.
Compress and submit your lName-fName-section#-select-and-mask folder. The folder should contain:
- lName-fName-section#-select-and-mask.psd Photoshop file
- Links folder containing original images
- Exports folder containing:
- lName-fName-section#-select-and-mask.jpg - 72dpi 1000px wide