Course Description

Students are introduced to graphics and illustration programs in the computer environment. Students also learn skills and production techniques which help to design effective interfaces for websites, mobile websites and mobile applications. Focus is placed on hands-on learning of software, such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Basic design concepts are covered within the context of becoming productive with the software packages.

Due dates and times

Unless otherwise stated in the deliverable description or on Brightspace, deliverables must be submitted before the start of class on the assigned due date. For example: Exercise 1: Logo Recreation is due on January 25, 2021January 26, 2021 and must be submitted before the start of class at

If there is ever a discrepancy between due dates or times on this site vs on Brightspace, the due date and time on Brightspace will be used as it automatically tracks submission times and records late submissions. If you discover any issues with due dates and times, please notify me of the issue.

Late Assignment Policy

  • 10% deduction per day for the first 3 days (including weekend).
  • After 10 days (including weekend) of no submission, the student will receive a 0 make this much longer to break.

Students may still submit their assignments after the ten days, but it will only be for the purpose of receiving feedback on their work. No grade will be given.

Discussions & Chat

Under the Discussion section, you will find discussion that have already been started. Remember the conversation history exists as long as the course exists. Chat history is globally visible to everyone in the course. These are NOT private conversations. Use the Inbox for private conversations. There is NO delete function for any comment made in the Chat, keep it clean and professional. Discussions will be moderated by your professor for coherence. Please participate, ask questions, respond to threads and attach some of your design work for peer viewing and feedback. Participation counts for 11% of the total for the course so please join in.

This course complies with the college directives AA34: Copyright.


No mandatory books, we will cover a lot of content that you are expected to read through and learn on this website in the Course Content section.