Create a unique, stylized version of your name, a character’s name, or other simple title (keep it short and simple).
Your design should feature a combination of different topics we have learned so far such to fills, strokes, gradients, engaging type, etc. The Appearance panel will be really helpful for this assignment. Use Adobe Fonts to select a font to use. You may include graphics to compliment the type if you wish, but the focus should be on the typographic elements and should not distract from the type.
Here is an example:
Hand In Requirements
You font must be an Adobe Font. This will ensure that I am able to load the font on my own computer. If you use a font other than Adobe Fonts and I am unable to load the font, you will receive a zero because I will be unable to see your work properly. If you are having trouble loading your Adobe Fonts, make sure that the Adobe Creative Cloud app is open on your computer as it must be open to sync fonts.